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Great Bible Truths Live

Romans 14.1-12 | Dealing With Other Christians who are not as Smart as You

Great Bible Truths Great Bible Truths Live
  • 0
  • Jul 12, 2019 12:00 am
  • Romans 14:1-12
  • Pat Buttes
  • Bible Study
  • The Book of Roman's - The Story of Gods Explosive Grace
  • 00:59:51
Okay, the title sounds a little pompous doesn't it? But in reality, there are times when you do know more than other believers making you right and them wrong. That is exactly the point of Romans 14. Some believers, most likely Jews who had come to faith and brought certain beliefs about dietary and religious days with them as a carry over from Judaism. The Gentiles Christians who had understood Paul's teaching on freedom in Christ knew them to be wrong. Hence, the Gentile believers were right and the Jewish brothers were wrong. The elephant in the room is how to deal with those who don't get it. This is where it gets interesting. Paul provides six insights on dealing with other believers on the non-essentials. The first one has to do with accepting others without having to fix them. As you will see, that has a lot to do with denominational differences.