Great Bible Truths Live Great Bible Truths Live

Great Bible Truths Live

Part 1. Introduction to Romans 8 - The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

Great Bible Truths Great Bible Truths Live
  • 0
  • Oct 4, 2015 12:00 am
  • Romans 8:1-39
  • Pat Buttes
  • Bible Study
  • The Book of Roman's - The Story of Gods Explosive Grace
  • 00:39:36
As we transition to Romans 8, we begin with a two part introduction which build the case for Romans 8 being the greatest chapter in all the Bible. Many great leaders in the Christian faith have held this belief including Martin Luther. In short, the Bible is the story of redemption from the fall of Genesis 3. Calvary and the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is the fix for all that is broken. The fix was salvation and Romans 8 provides fullest understanding of what is meant by salvation and provides twenty-nine salvational blessing that occur at the moment of faith in Christ.