Great Bible Truths Live Great Bible Truths Live

Great Bible Truths Live

Christianity and Spiritual Warfare with the Left - Part 2 Egalitarianism Economics

Great Bible Truths Great Bible Truths Live
  • 0
  • Oct 12, 2020 11:00 am
  • Micah 6:8-8
  • Pat Buttes
  • Apologetics
  • Christianty and Spiritual Warfare with the Left
  • 01:09:51
Egalitarianism is all about what is fair. Is it fair that so many in Americans have less when others have more? Or, is it fair that many people work hard and save and now some want to take it and give to others who didn't work hard. As Christians, the good news is that we don't need to guess what to do for God's word has revealed Biblical principles that show God's plan of balance between personal discipline and compassion. This study will explore these issues.