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Great Bible Truths Live

Romans 8.26-27. How the Spirit Strengthens our Weak Prayers

Great Bible Truths Great Bible Truths Live
  • 0
  • Jun 26, 2016 12:00 am
  • Romans 8:26-27
  • Pat Buttes
  • Bible Study
  • The Book of Roman's - The Story of Gods Explosive Grace
  • 00:54:57
Hebrews 4.16 is our promises us access to God's throne of grace anytime and any place. There is a fly in the ointment however, and that is the weak nature of human frailty. This is where our Bible text comes in, Romans 8.26 promises the Spirit interceding help for us by editing our weak prayers that aligning them with the will of God. In our current study, we offer ten ways in which our human weaknesses skew our prayer requests and require the Spirit’s help.